Helping Australian Defence Contractors

Unlock Market Opportunities And Create A Competitive Global Reputation

Your Challenges As A Defence Contractor

In the demanding field of defence contracting, we know you confront unique obstacles. Your day-to-day operations, often technical and intensive, are just the beginning.

Below are some common sales and marketing challenges you may be facing, and their subsequent impact on your growth:

  • Marketing to a narrow audience: The laser-focused target market in the defence industry demands accurate, compelling messaging that resonates.
  • Complex sales cycles: Long, complicated procurement processes, entangled with bureaucratic red tape, make accurate forecasting and navigation of sales cycles an uphill task.
  • Security constraints: In an industry where confidentiality is paramount, traditional sales and marketing tactics are often hamstrung, limiting your ability to leverage case studies and testimonials.
  • Global competition: Standing out amidst international competition and securing contracts require a distinct, robust marketing strategy.
  • Government compliance and specifications: Your marketing efforts must not only draw attention but effectively demonstrate your company’s capacity to meet stringent government standards.
  • Technological change and innovation: Marketing cutting-edge innovations can be problematic due to security constraints and the complex and technical nature of your value proposition.
  • Difficulty in accessing market opportunities: The narrow scope and heavily regulated nature of the defence sector means finding and seizing opportunities can be particularly challenging, especially for those new to the industry (or smaller businesses with fewer sales and marketing resources).

These problems lead to inhibited lead generation, inconsistent client retention, slow and constrained marketing efforts, and unstable growth.

Our Solution

We utilise emotional intelligence, storytelling, and other nuanced digital marketing strategies as powerful tools to help overcome these challenges. We understand that defence contractors operate in a space where trust, reliability, and confidentiality are crucial.

We’ll help you demonstrate compelling brand narratives that not only showcase your technological or innovational prowess but also your commitment to meeting strict government standards.

In other words, we help you…

  1. Unlock new market opportunities by crafting compelling narratives that resonate with your unique audience and position you favorably within the defence sector.
  2. Navigate complex sales cycles by keeping your prospects engaged and informed throughout the lengthy procurement process.
  3. Stand out amid global competition by showcasing your unique value proposition and commitment to excellence.
  4. Adhere to government compliance and specifications through careful messaging that demonstrates your competence, reliability, and dedication to standards.
  5. Manage your reputation by leveraging emotional intelligence to create trust-building narratives, manage digital communication, and consistently position your brand positively.

Our focus is to help you overcome your specific challenges, streamline your marketing efforts, and ultimately, ensure a stable and upward growth trajectory.

Please note, we are not DISP certified.

About ProNarrative

We use tasteful storytellingemotional intelligence, and nuanced digital marketing strategies to make Australian defence contractors look more knowledgeable, more authoritative, and more professional. 

Whilst not all are needed for defence contractor marketing, we provide the following services:

We can help you:

The quickest way to discover how we can provide value to your business is by requesting a consultation with one of our specialists.

We’ll discuss your current situation and where you want to be. We’ll talk about storytelling, emotional intelligence and more of our nuanced sales and marketing strategies. And we’ll give you an easy-to-understand digital strategy blueprint that explains exactly how digital marketing can help your defence contracting business meet your growth goals. 

Please note, this is not a thinly disguised sales pitch. You will receive our best strategies for reaching your specified goals. If you would like assistance in implementing our recommendations, we can speak about those too. There is no fee for your initial consultation.