Why Us?

We Help Professional Services Businesses Grow

Use Storytelling, EQ, And Email

Hi, we’re ProNarrative. 

We use tasteful storytelling, emotional intelligence, and smarter email communications to make you look more knowledgeable, more authoritative, and more professional. 

We help accounting firms, defence contractors, IT providers, financial planners, law forms, mortgage broker, specialist medical practices and other businesses with your:

If your business has a complex sales process, operates within a highly regulated industry, or you struggle to naturally differentiate yourself, we can help.

We’re specialists in creating and optimising complex, multi-touchpoint sales processes and customer lifecycle journeys. 

Why storytelling?

Here’s why storytelling is a powerful sales and marketing tool:

  1. Storytelling forges a unique bond between you and each reader
    Great storytelling creates positive emotional associations with your brand. Use storytelling to win both the hearts and minds of your audience, so they find it very hard to ignore your sales propositions.
  2. Storytelling sets you apart (and cuts through competitor marketing)
    Story-based emails are infinitely more memorable than dull “marketing” emails. Telling great stories puts you in a different league to your competitors, and they’ll make you stand out in your prospects’ email inboxes, too.
  3. Storytelling softens up your toughest prospects
    Your clients and customers love hearing stories, but they hate it when you sell try and them stuff. Use tasteful, informative storytelling to deliver traditional sales messages, just like the Greeks using that big ol’ Trojan horse to deliver a can of tomatoes on Troy.
  4. Storytelling makes you memorable
    People seldom remember statistics, but they love recalling stories. If you tell your audience informative, engaging stories that they love repeating to their friends, they’ll remember you as an intelligent, skilled authority. This effect alone will do wonders for your sales process. 

Why emotional intelligence (“EQ”)?

By accurately recognising and responding to the unique emotions, needs, and desires of your clients, based within the context of your industry and service, we create more impactful and persuasive digital marketing campaigns.

This enhanced understanding of your clients’ emotional landscape helps us create more effective and empathetic marketing strategies, foster stronger brand-customer relationships, and ultimately drive higher conversion rates and customer loyalty. 

Why email? 

Almost everyone reads email on their mobile phone or tablet. And unlike social media or search engine traffic, you have complete ownership of your email comms. 

Email is ultra-low cost, too. And all types of email marketing and communications have the power to attract, create, nurture, and multiply raving clients.

Who are we?

We’re a team of:

  • Storytellers
  • Digital marketing strategists
  • Email marketing advocates
  • Copywriters
  • Direct response designers
  • WordPress developers
  • Marketing automation specialists

We’re a remote agency. Our headquarters is based in Newstead, Brisbane, Queensland.  

Next steps

Your next step towards more impactful marketing (and therefore better sales and faster business growth) is a consultation with one of our specialists.

During this consultation, we’ll discuss your current situation and where you want to be. We’ll talk about storytelling, emotional intelligence and the use of email marketing. And we’ll give you an easy-to-understand digital strategy blueprint that explains exactly how digital marketing can generate a stream of ideal clients for your professional services firm.