Do you want to grow your online community, so you have a bigger pool of potential clients?

An online community is a valuable source of new business, but it won’t grow unless you share rich content, stimulating narrative, and other growth strategies.

Here’s Exactly How Email Can Grow And Nurture A Valuable Community Around Your Professional Services Firm

Smart email communications allow you to create a powerful sense of community around your professional services firm. And with a strong community orbiting your brand, you’ll have a rich source of potential new clients. Here are some powerful email-centric strategies you can implement to help achieve this goal:

Attract Potential Clients  To Your Email List Image

Attract Potential Clients To Your Email List

Offer high-value content in exchange for a subscriber’s email address. This will help you build a valuable relationship long before your client is “ready to buy”.

Nurture Potential Clients Using Automation Image

Nurture Potential Clients Using Automation

Use email autoresponders to deliver pre-written emails that form deep buying connections with your prospects, completely on autopilot.

Nurture Potential Clients Using Manual Broadcasts Image

Nurture Potential Clients Using Manual Broadcasts

Continue to educate and nurture your prospects using regular, handcrafted email messages. Aim to deliver unique value, every time.

Nurture Existing Clients  Using Rich, Educational Content Image

Nurture Existing Clients Using Rich, Educational Content

Don’t forget your current clients. Send them valuable content via email that makes THEM feel smarter, and they’ll be more likely to send referrals your way.

Impress Existing Clients  Using Automation Image

Impress Existing Clients Using Automation

Use email and SMS automation to deliver highly-polished operational communications to your clients. They’ll love working with you.

Ask For Referrals, Reviews  And Feedback Using  Email Campaigns Image

Ask For Referrals, Reviews And Feedback Using Email Campaigns

Use email to ask your happiest clients for valuable feedback. Use these in your communications to boost the wattage of your sales process.

And Here Are Some Success Tips You Can Use To Grow And Nurture Your Digital Community

Like most things, the top 20% of nuanced tactics can deliver 80% of your results. Here are some of our most-loved email marketing success tips:

See your community communications through your prospects' eyes Image

See your community communications through your prospects' eyes

It’s likely that you’ll be biased towards your own community. And that’s perfectly natural. However you must be mindful about the content and value you provide your community. You must create a balanced mix of valuable content and sales messaging, otherwise your community members (AKA your subscribers) are less likely to stick around. 95% value, 5% selling is a good rule of thumb.

Tell interesting, tasteful stories. Image

Tell interesting, tasteful stories.

The ancient art of storytelling forms deep connections with almost everyone. Email marketing is the perfect medium for storytelling. Use carefully crafted stories to deliver valuable information and hidden sales messages that captivate, connect, and convert new clients on autopilot.

Provide “coveted” information. Image

Provide “coveted” information.

Your subscribers and prospects *love* knowing information that others don’t. Provide your email list with valuable information they can’t get anywhere else, and they’ll quickly perceive you as an industry expert. Aim to make them the smartest person at their next family gathering.

Don’t oversell. Image

Don’t oversell.

It can be easy to over-sell in email marketing. Remember that you’re competing for attention inside a busy inbox. Aim to make every email educational or valuable in some way… and make selling an organic, secondary function of each broadcast.

Is This You? “I’ve done all of these, but
I still can’t seem to grow my community any faster”

Do some or all of these problems ring true?

  • Have you implemented a downloadable PDF to grow your list of subscribers (AKA your digital community), however no-one downloads it when you run Facebook or LinkedIn ads?
  • Are you sending regular emails to your list but fail to see any form of valuable response from your subscribers, leaving you second-guessing the whole thing?
  • Are you seeing a high amount of “no shows” for your sales process? Or, maybe you’re seeing very little interest in your initial consultation whatsoever?
  • Are you struggling to think of things to email your list, resulting in either no broadcasts or repetition of the same messages?
  • Have you heard about the community-growing (and therefore lead-generating) benefit of email funnels and landing pages, yet realise you don’t have the expertise to get them working?
  • Or maybe you’re just too time-poor to execute an email-centric community growth strategy?

Get An Email-Centric Digital Strategy For Your Business

Naturally grow your firm’s digital community

The quickest and easiest way to get better performance from your digital marketing is by requesting a consultation with one of our specialists.

During this free 45-minute session:

  • You’ll get a clearer understanding of the way an email-centric digital marketing strategy can improve lead generation, referral generation and other growth/operation functions for your business.
  • You’ll get a list of specific improvements to your entire digital marketing ecosystem, designed to help you generate more leads, improve efficiencies, and ultimately make more revenue and profit.
  • You’ll learn more about the power of storytelling and EQ. And we’ll chat about the different story types that captivate, connect, and convert new clients.
  • And you’ll get a clearly defined, step-by-step strategy for building an email-centric digital marketing strategy and funnel that contributes to your business’ growth goals.

Unlike most free services that are more like thinly veiled sales pitches, your consultation will give you our best advice, with zero obligation to engage us further. Email is the “dark horse” of digital marketing strategies, and we look forward to showing you some of our best ideas.

Naturally, we hope that by sharing our knowledge and expertise in this way, you’ll get so much valuable advice that you’ll consider choosing or recommending ProNarrative in the future. In any case, you have nothing to lose.

To request your consultation, click the button below or call our office on 07 3062 9488.